The Top 10 Interesting Health Benefits of the Tulsi Herb

The Top 10 Interesting Health Benefits of the Tulsi Herb

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Tulsi, also known as Holy Basil, is a herb revered by Ayurveda (the ancient Indian health practice) for thousands of years to promote health throughout the entire body. Tulsi is undoubtably one of the leading medicinal herbs and includes long list of incredible health benefits. With the scientific name Ocimum Sanctum, Tulsi is used for its ability to support a healthy response to stress, natural detoxification, boost immunity, increase stamina, endurance & energy, restore balance & harmony in the body – the list goes on! Tulsi is one of the few herbs on the planet to effect so many different parts of the body. Many herbs and plants have 3 to 5 health benefits whereas Tulsi has up to 20. This is one amazing herb.

 Want to learn more about Tulsi, download our FREE Tulsi Herbal Guide here.

Here is our top 10 Tulsi tea health benefits:




According to multiple studies around the world, Tulsi helps maintain the normal levels of the cortisol hormone in the body, which is also known as the stress hormone. High levels of cortisol can make you feel stressed out and anxious. Therefore, by lowering cortisol levels, Tulsi acts a natu­ral anti-stress herb.



Ask any cigarette smoker, quitting smoking is not an easy undertaking. It has been found that Tulsi tea contains various anti-stress compounds that help one to quit smoking. Ayurveda which is the Indian system of traditional medicine relies heavily on using Tulsi tea for quitting smok­ing.



When you're feeling under the weather, do you reach for a hot cup of tea for comfort? Tulsi tea does wonders in several respiratory illnesses ranging from mild colds and coughs to bronchitis and asthma. Tulsi has properties that enhance the immune system, suppress coughs and can help expel phlegm - all of which provide relief for colds and other respiratory illnesses.



Due to its antimicrobial properties, Tulsi tea can be used in treating mild fever conditions, and helps speed up recovery from major infectious fevers. While fever itself is not a disease, it can be the result of an infec­tion caused by bacteria, fungus and protozoa - and treating the infection will bring the fever down quickly.


One of the main benefits of this flavourful drink is improved digestion. Holy Basil tea facilitates healthy liver function, which is a must for improving your digestive health. It can also help with proper metabolism, absorption and as­similation of lipids, carbohydrates and proteins.

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weight-loss6. WEIGHT LOSS

If you are tired of trying diet pills without any successful results, try Tulsi tea for effective and safe weight loss results. This herbal brew works by increas­ing your metabolism, which in turn helps in accelerating the fat burning pro­cess. Tulsi can provide a healthy and natural way to lose weight.

skin-and-hair7. IMPROVED SKIN & HAIR

Loaded with antioxidants and other nutrients, Tulsi tea is helpful for main­taining beautiful and healthy skin. The antioxidants present in Tulsi tea help fight radicals and delay the signs of ageing. Tulsi tea also helps in reducing itchiness of the scalp and helps to reduce hair falling out.


Tulsi extract is abundant in magnesium, which is an important nutrient re­quired for the prevention of heart disease. The magnesium in Holy Basil helps our blood vessels work as they should. It prevents deposition of cho­lesterol and promotes free flow of blood. Regular intake of Tulsi tea has been known to reduce cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure.



This fragrant herb has excellent benefits in promoting dental and oral health. As Tulsi - Holy Basil contains antimicrobial properties, the com­pounds in Tulsi tea help fight germs and bacteria in the oral cavity. It also prevents bad breath and acts as a natural mouth freshener.



Studies have found that Tulsi can be effective in treating arthritis and other joint related disorders. Tulsi contains anti-inflammatory as well as antioxi­dant properties that help in relieving the pain and inflammation associated with joint disorders.

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