Warrior Women and Wellness

Warrior Women and Wellness

Women are warriors; skilled at balancing a variety of things including work, hobbies, and raising a family. The trouble is that we often get so caught up in managing our day-to-day tasks that we forget to take care of ourselves. Our wellness and mental state take a backseat as we focus on taking care of everybody else. This can lead to stress and exhaustion. If you are a woman warrior and need a reboot in your life, here are 3 easy ways you can get back on the path to wellness.
  • Pay Attention to the ingredients in your Body Care Products – Are you passionate about living a clean lifestyle? Does your diet consist of organic, nourishing foods? If your goal is to eliminate chemicals and toxins from your life, make sure you aren’t forgetting your body care products! Many of the products we use on a daily basis contain synthetic and chemical ingredients that have been shown to cause harm to our bodies. For example, suspected carcinogens DEA/TEA/MEA are foaming agents found in conventional shampoos, body washes, and soaps. Formaldehyde is typically found in nail polish, hair dye, and some shampoos as well. When it comes to purchasing body products, be a label detective. Pay attention to the ingredients and make sure you know what exactly you are putting onto your body. If you are feeling ambitious, start making your own body care products from scratch!

  • The Power of Nutrient-Dense Foods – A diet rich in nutrient-dense food can make your body thrive. Try limiting the amount of coffee, chocolate, alcohol and soft drinks in your daily diet and focus on keeping your body hydrated with plenty of water. Eat a variety of nutrient-dense foods; try cooking with wild-caught salmon, lentils, and leafy greens. Keep an eye on balancing all of your nutrients to ensure your body is getting all that it needs. Incorporate fibre into your daily diet with ORGANIC INDIA Whole Husk Psyllium. By focusing on eating a diet rich in nutrients, your body will thrive!

  • Take Time to Pamper Yourself – Last but not least and always easier said than done when life's demands take over, but do not forget to take some time out for yourself. As women, we live extremely busy lives. From working to raising a family, we often neglect to focus on the state of our own wellbeing. Even if it's one small act of self care and self love a day. Try taking a yoga class, pick up your paint brushes, go for a walk; do something that brings you joy and allows you to separate from the grind of daily life. Your mind, body, and spirit will thank you for it. 
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